912 Batu Road
'912 Batu Road' written by Viji Krishnamoorthy is a novel that tells the story of a wartime saga, two Malayan families and a modern-day forbidden love story between their descendants. The debut novel released in 2021 and was published by Clarity Publishing. I worked closely with Rosalind Chua and Patsy Yap, the editor and art director respectively, to craft this book cover. This story features complex and diverse characters inspired by real Malaysian war heroes. This importance of culture is reflected in the several motifs and illustrations inspired by traditional Malay, Indian, and Chinese architecture and objects. Laced in drawings of tropical fauna are memorable objects from the novel such as: white lilies, the letters that connected generations, a medical pan, and tweezers used by real-life medical hero, Sybil Kathigasu. This cover was originally illustrated in pencil on rice paper to produce a delicate and authentic appearance.